Our Services
Acupuncture is the manual insertion of thin, sterile, single-use needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and to treat various physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Five Element Acupuncture are utilized, enabling a well-rounded and effective treatment to target any need.
The above theories, as well as trigger point therapy (“dry needling”) are used for aches, pains, and sports injuries. We work toward solving the root of the problem while simultaneously addressing your present needs. Acupuncture treatment is not limited to needling, but can also include electrical-stimulation, cold-light laser, moxibustion, cupping, and gua sha.
Cupping and Gua Sha
Cupping is the process of using glass, plastic, or silicone cups to create a suction on the body. The suction brings stagnant and toxic blood to the surface of the skin which in turn increases circulation, relieves pressure, and promotes lymphatic drainage. Cupping is most commonly used for acute and chronic pain, musculoskeletal problems, and acute respiratory infection.
Similar to cupping, gua sha brings toxic and stagnant blood to the surface of the body to promote circulation and healing. Instead of using suction cups to draw the blood up, gua sha uses a unidirectional stroking method with round-edged instruments such as jar lids, jade stones, spoons, or shells. Gua sha is also used for acute and chronic pain, scar tissue treatment, and acute respiratory infection. Cupping and gua sha can be effective as a stand-alone treatment for pain, or in addition to needles.
Cold Light Laser
Cold light laser therapy is a low-intensity laser therapy using low levels of light to stimulate healing and increase circulation. The “cold’ of the cold light laser simply implies that the low levels of light do not heat the body’s tissue. The procedure is painless, but extremely effective. When the body tissue absorbs the red and near-infrared light, the damaged cells respond with a physiological reaction to promote regeneration. The most common uses for cold light laser therapy are tissue repair, pain relief, and to reduce inflammation.
Service | Included | Pricing |
Acupuncture New Patient (90 min.) | Thorough consultation, health history, diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatment. Treatment may include a combination of services such as needles, cupping, gua sha, electrical stimulation, and moxibustion. | $120 |
Acupuncture Return Patient (60 min.) | Brief intake, updated diagnosis and treatment plan, and treatment. Treatment may include a combination of services such as needles, cupping, gua sha, electrical stimulation, and moxibustion. | $80 |
Bodywork Only (30-45 min.) | Brief intake and a bodywork service or combination of services such as cupping, gua sha, and soft-tissue massage. | $50-75, depending on area |
Cold Light Laser | Can be added to any treatment to enhance the effects of that particular treatment. | $25 in addition to treatment cost |